A young white woman leans on a wooden and metal railing facing the camera and smiling

A young white woman leans on a wooden and metal railing facing the camera and smiling

Christine Kelly

Christine Kelly, PhD is an Assistant Professor in Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. Informed by feminist and critical disability scholarship, Christine uses qualitative methods to explore the politics of care, aging and Canadian disability movements. Dr. Kelly and Dr. Michael Orsini co-edited Mobilizing Metaphor: Art, Culture and Disability Activism in Canada (UBC Press, 2016) and Dr. Kelly authored Disability Politics and Care: The Challenge of Direct Funding (UBC Press, 2016). For more information, see www.christinekelly.ca. For the BIT project, Dr. Kelly and Dr. Orsini will co-lead the stream Activating the Arts: Arts and/as Activism.