A black and white selfie of Emkay. A Black person with shoulder length locs, wearing a black shirt and black ring through their nose. They are looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression while outside on a bright day.

A black and white selfie of Emkay. A Black person with shoulder length locs, wearing a black shirt and black ring through their nose. They are looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression while outside on a bright day.

Emkay Adjei-Manu

Emkay Adjei-Manu is a multidisciplinary artist and community arts-facilitator based out of the GTA. Their practice is grounded within the mediums of traditional cut & paste collage, writing and film photography. Their art has been showcased in galleries such as Nia Centre for the Arts, and McMaster Museum of Art, and published in print magazines such as PITCH magazine. In their spare time, Emkay enjoys daydreaming as a tool for remembering and imagining past and future life.