Black and white photo of Elizabeth Straus

A photo of Elizabeth Straus, a white woman with long brown hair and rimless glasses, wearing a shirt and black sweater, smiling into the camera.

Elizabeth Straus

Dr. Elizabeth Straus (she/they) is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow supervised by Dr. Carla Rice. She recently defended her PhD dissertation, titled "Living as a young person with home mechanical ventilation: A critical narrative inquiry", in which she interrogated constructions of living well with young people who use a ventilator long-term using a critical, narrative, and arts-based approach. She is also an experienced educator with expertise in online education and a passion for integrating multimedia and creative approaches in health professional education.

Elizabeth's postdoctoral work will further expand her engagement with critical disability and arts-based scholarship. She is increasingly interested in how such research can contribute to informing and shifting narratives of disability and autism in health care, workplaces, and higher education, including health professional education, as well as how disabled and autistic adults navigate these institutional systems. Elizabeth is also currently involved in international collaborations focused on longitudinal qualitative research and adolescent and young adult transitions.