black and white photo of Allison Taylor

A photo of Allison, taken indoors in front of a brick wall and a window. She has white skin with blonde hair that is pinned up, is turning to look at the camera at an angle, is smiling, and is wearing a pug-print dress.

Allison Taylor

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Allison Taylor (she/her) is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow working under the supervision of Dr. Carla Rice at Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice. She holds a PhD in Gender, Feminist, and Women’s Studies from York University. Allison’s dissertation, titled “Fattening Queer Femininities: The Pitfalls, Politics, and Promises of Queer Fat Femme Embodiment,” explored queer fat femme identities, embodiments, and negotiations of oppressions. Her current postdoctoral research uses arts-based methods to examine how intersecting ableism and anti-fatness constitute barriers to public resources, services, and spaces for people of marginalized genders in Ontario. Allison is also a Research Associate at Re•Vision, working on creating a digital archive and a pedagogical module around fat activist art.