A photo of Liz Jackson outdoors, with trees behind her. Liz is smiling, with red hair and a stem of smoke bush tucked behind her ear.

Elizabeth Jackson

Director of the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute at the University of Guelph

Dr. Elizabeth Jackson (she/her) is passionate about critical community engaged scholarship, arts-based research, interdisciplinary scholarship, and storytelling, and sees them as holding amazing potential to create meaningful, positive social change. Liz is employed as Director of the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute at the University of Guelph, which facilitates mutually beneficial community-university research collaborations. In that role, she provides leadership and strategic direction to the Institute and guides staff members in the development and implementation of all programs. Her non-profit and activist work centre around arts and mental health, community change, and anti-oppression efforts. A lover of song and story, Liz firmly believes in the potential of art-based community making to increase well-being and contribute to struggles for social justice.